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Toward the realization of a sustainable society. Link to sustainability
Raising awareness of global warming. Link to About this sponsorship
Teijin group Medium-Term Management Plan
To Be a Company that Supports the Society of the Future. Link to Message from the President
Reforms and embrace challenges. Link to History of Teijin

Important Notifications

Teijin's Two Pillar Business Fields

Materials Business Field

Making People's Wishes and Dreams Become Reality
That is What Teijin's Materials Can Do


Materials Business Field

A more comfortable and convenient lifestyle. A society that offers safety and security. A world where the concept of friendly to the environment is commonplace. Teijin's diverse materials are used in a wide range of areas, from familiar items in our everyday lives to industrial products that are indispensable to the development of society. Through combinations of various materials, we will continue to develop and provide even greater high-performance and high-quality products, and contribute to sustainable growth in society and the achievement of progress in people's lives.

Healthcare Business Field

Expanding the Possibilities of Healthcare
Teijin's QOL Innovation


Healthcare Business Field

To feel the joy of living each day. To improve physical and mental health. The Teijin Group is developing business in the field of pharmaceuticals and home healthcare equipment covered by insurance. We are also expanding our business to non-insurance-based fields such as pre-symptomatic and nursing care, rather than only in the area of disease treatment. The provision of medical solutions will enable us to open up new possibilities for people's quality of life.