


Naokichi Kaneko, chief clerk of the integrated trading company named "Suzuki Shoten," and two chemical engineers, Seita Kumura and Itsuzo Hata, cooperated to establish Japan's first rayon production technology, and in 1918, they launched Teikoku Jinzo-Kenshi Kaisha, Ltd.
In the 1960s, following the golden age of Japan's rayon industry in the 1930s and the post-war recovery period, the polyester fiber product named Tetoron® gave the company a driving force to boost its business performance. Subsequently, in the high economic growth period, the company planned to increase its net sales to two trillion yen, and to this end strived for globalization, launched a business in the film field, and worked on the diversification of its business.
In the 1990s, after the collapse of the so-called "bubble economy" in Japan, Teijin set its corporate philosophy to survive in the world of the 21st century. It shifted to a holding company system, implemented structural reforms, and reformed its portfolio, including expanding the core business through M&As.
In the progress of globalization, the focus of its fiber business shifted to high-performance fibers, while in the chemicals business the company pushed ahead with the construction of resin manufacturing facilities outside Japan and forming alliances in the film field. It also released an important new drug in the pharmaceutical business and established a pioneer position in the home healthcare field, and also developed new businesses in the IT field.
Teijin has thus been continuing to take on the challenge of entering new fields, overcoming difficulties, and persisting in its evolution. We will continue to undertake reforms and embrace challenges to become a company that supports the society of the future.



Teikoku Jinzo-Kenshi Kaisha, Ltd., was established.


Commenced operation of Iwakuni Factory. Began production of rayon filament.

1933 Listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Osaka Securities Exchange.

Commenced operation of Mihara Factory. Began production of rayon filament.

1951 Nagoya Factory was established. Began the production of rayon spun yarn.
1952 Iwakuni Laboratories were established.
Teijin Shoji Co., Ltd. was established.
1954 The Teijin Kumura Scholarship (currently Teijin Scholarship Foundation) was established.

Matsuyama Factory (currently Matsuyama Factory the North Plant) was established and the production of acetate filament began.

1957 Teikoku Jinzo-kenshi Ltd. and Toyo Rayon Co., Ltd. (currently Toray Industries, Inc.) licensed to introduce production technologies for polyester fibers and films from ICI of the United Kingdom.

The trademark of polyester fibers was decided as Tetoron® by Teikoku Jinzo-kenshi Ltd. and Toyo Rayon Co., Ltd.


Production of Tetoron® began at Matsuyama Factory.



Tokyo Research Laboratories (currently the Tokyo Research Center) is established.

Teijin Chemicals Limited began production of polycarbonate resin.

1962 Licensed to introduce production technologies for nylon 6 from Allied Chemical Corp. of the United States.
Corporate name was changed to Teijin Limited.

Chemicals & Plastics Institute was established.

Production of nylon began at Mihara Factory.
1964 Fiber and Textile Research Laboratories was established.
1967 Tetoron® production and sales company Thai Tetoron Co., Ltd. (currently Teijin Polyester (Thailand) Limited) was established.


1970 Ehime Factory (currently the Matsuyama Factory the South Plant) commenced operation and the production of Tetoron® filament began.

Production of meta-aramid fiber Teijinconex® at Iwakuni Factory.

Operations of Gifu Factory commenced and the production of Tetoron® films began.

Production of rayon filament was discontinued.

Fuji Institute of Education and Training (currently Teijin Academy Fuji) was established.

1973 Teijin Fher Medical Co., Ltd., was jointly established with Germany's Boehringer Ingelheim.
Tetoron® production and sales company P.T. Teijin Indonesia Fiber Corporation was established.
1974 Medical and Pharmaceutical Division was launched and Teijin Institute for Bio-Medical Research was established.
1978 Teijin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., was established. (Teijin Fher Medical dissolved).

Production of PET resin for bottles began.

Operations of spun yarn was discontinued. Nagoya Factory was closed.


1980 Teijin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. began the sales of Venilon®.
Teijin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. began the sales of Laxoberon®.
1982 Mild-Sanso oxygen concentrator was introduced to the market.
1983 Teijin Systems Technology Ltd. was established.
Teijin Pharmaceutical was merged with Teijin Limited.
1985 Operations of Utsunomiya Factory commenced and production of Tetoron® films began.

Production of Technora® para-aramid fibers began at Matsuyama Factory.



Business operation of Teonex® PEN film began.

1991 Tetoron® production and sales company Teijin (Thailand) Limited was established.
1992 Teijin Biomedical Laboratory was established in London.
1992 Teijin Global Environmental Charter and Teijin Global Environmental Activity Goals were enacted.

Chiba Research Center (currently Teijin Plastics Technical Center) was established.

Corporate philosophy and corporate code of conduct were enacted.


Nantong Teijin Co., Ltd., was established in China to manufacture and sell polyester filament fabrics.

Established joint-venture companies with DuPont to manufacture and sell meta-aramid papers in Japan and Hong Kong.
1995 Jointly established a company with DuPont to manufacture and sell nylon fibers in Japan.
1996 PT. Indonesia Teijin Films was established to manufacture and sell Tetoron® films.
1997 Teijin Polycarbonate Singapore Pte Ltd. was established to manufacture and sell polycarbonate resin.
1998 The Corporate Ethics Committee was launched.
Corporate Standard of Conduct was enacted.
Began sales of SAFHS, a device used for the accelerated healing of certain fractures.
Signed agreement with Byk Gulden Lomburg Chemische Fabrik GmbH of Germany to develop and market spray-type inhalers and a steroid preparation in Japan.
1999 Advisory Board was launched and corporate officer system was introduced.

Acquired an equity stake in Toho Rayon Co., Ltd., now called Toho Tenax Co., Ltd.

Signed a licensing agreement with TAP Holdings Inc. of the United States for a new therapeutic agent for gout and hyperuricemia.


2000 Polyester film joint venture with DuPont began operations in seven countries.

Acquired Twaron® para-aramid business from Acordis B.V. of the Netherlands, and Teijin Twaron B.V. was established.

Teijin Shoji Co., Ltd., merged with an apparel division of Nissho Iwai Corp. began operations as N.I. Teijin Shoji Co., Ltd.
Teijin Systems Technology Ltd. merged with the former Infocom Corporation.
Toho Rayon Co., Ltd. changed company name to Toho Tenax Co., Ltd.
Began sales of new osteoporosis treatment Bonalon®.
2002 Infocom Corporation was listed on the JASDAQ market.
Withdrew from the acetate fibers business.
Spun off apparel-use polyester fibers business as a separate company, Teijin Fibers Limited.
New chemical recycling operations were launched at Teijin Fibers Limited Tokuyama Factory.
"Fiber to Fiber" recycling system was launched, helping to enhance public awareness of recycling.
Teijin Chemicals Plastic Compounds (Shanghai) Ltd. was established.
2003 Teijin Polycarbonate China Ltd. was established
A holding company system was introduced.
Spun off industrial-use polyester fibers business as a separate company, Teijin Techno Products Limited.

New corporate brand including new logo and brand statement was rebuilt.

A Corporate Governance Guide was enacted.
Concluded a cross-licensing agreement with Beaufour Ipsen S. A. of France.
Spun off pharmaceutical and medical business as a separate company, Teijin Pharma Limited.
Teijin DuPont Nylon Limited dissolved.
2004 Toho Tenax Co., Ltd. acquired the U.S. polyacrylonitrile (PAN) carbon fiber business from Acordis BV, of the Netherlands and established a base in North America.
The Shanghai Branch of the China Marketing Office was established with the aim of strengthening Groupwide marketing in the China.
2006 Basic Policy for Internal Control System was enacted.
Opened offices in India and Russia and established a local corporation in China.
Teijin Pharma Limited established Yuyu Teijin Medicare Inc. a joint venture with Yuyu Inc. in South Korea.
2007 Announced sustainable environment declaration, aiming for 20% reduction in CO2 emission by 2020.
Teijin Twaron B.V. was renamed to Teijin Aramid B.V.
2008 Long-term goals for environmental preservation was enacted, and Teijin Group Environment-Friendly Design Guidelines were formulated.

Innovation Research Institute (currently Iwakuni R&D Center) was established.

Acquired majority stake in GH Craft Ltd., a manufacturer with an outstanding record in the design and development of advanced composite materials.
2009 Teijin Pharma Limited established Esteve Teijin Healthcare S.L.-a joint venture with leading Spanish pharmaceuticals manufacturer Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve S.A.-to oversee HOT business in Europe.


2010 Transferred stake in P.T. Teijin Indonesia Fiber Tbk to a third party.

Developed world's first mass production technology for carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastics (CFRTP)

Teijin Pharma Limited commenced sales of hyperuricemia and gout treatment FEBURIC® (TMX-67) in Japan.

Commenced commercial production of high-performance polyethylene products Endumax®.

Lib separator production joint venture (currently Teijin Lielsort Korea Co., Ltd.) in South Korea was established.

Teijin Advanced Composites America Inc. was established in the United States.
2012 Signed an agreement with the China Chemical Fibers Association to enter into a comprehensive alliance.

Organizational reforms

  • Teijin Techno Products Limited and industrial fibers business of Teijin Fibers Limited were realigned and integrated into Teijin Limited.
  • N.I. Teijin Shoji Co., Ltd. and apparel business of Teijin Fibers Limited have been integrated and launched Teijin Frontier Co., Ltd.

Organizational reforms

  • Teijin Chemicals Ltd was integrated into Teijin Limited.
Teijin Composites Innovation Center was moved to the Matsuyama Factory.
Joint venture Initz Co., Ltd. was established with SK Chemicals Ltd. to start polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) resins business.
2014 Teijin Product Development China Co., Ltd. was established.
Joint venture Teijin FRA Tire Cord (Thailand) Co., Ltd. was established to produce tire cords.
joint prostheses

Joint venture Teijin Nakashima Medical Co., Ltd., was established to facilitate entry into the market for joint prostheses.

Technology Development Center was opened in Matsuyama as a development hub for high-performance material solutions.

Started Operation of New R&D Center to accelerate material and pharmaceutical integrated development.

2016 Teijin Film Solutions Limited was established as a wholly owned subsidiary as a result of dissolving of the joint venture arrangement with DuPont for Teijin DuPont Films Japan Limited.

Acquired Continental Structural Plastics Holdings Corporation, one of the global leaders in automotive lightweight composite technologies.

Entered into an exclusive worldwide license agreement with Merck & Co., Inc., U.S.A., for the development, manufacture and commercialization of an investigational antibody candidate targeting tau, for a possible new treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
Teijin Medical Technologies Co., Ltd., was established to expand the bone-connecting material business.
2018 New carbon-fiber business subsidiary Teijin Carbon Fibers, Inc. was established in the U.S. city of Greenwood, South Carolina, the Unaited States.
Resin compound plant and R&D Facility was established in Teijin Corporation (Thailand) Limited.
Toho Tenax Co., Ltd. was integrated into Teijin Limited.
Acquired J.H. Ziegler GmbH, a leading supplier of automotive interior materials in Germany.
Acquired Inapal Plasticos SA, a leading automotive composite supplier in Portugal.
2019 Acquired Renegade Materials Corporation (Renegade), a leading North American supplier of highly heat-resistant thermoset prepreg for the aerospace industry.
Acquired Benet Automotive s.r.o., a leading automotive composite and component supplier in the Czech Republic.
Sold entire stake of polyester film businesses in Japan and Indonesia, Teijin Film Solutions Limited and P.T. Indonesia Teijin Film Solutions, to Toyobo Co., Ltd..


2020 Established Teijin Automotive Center Europe GmbH in Germany as a new base for technical functions in automotive composite business.
Teijin Home Healthcare Limited changed company name to Teijin Healthcare Limited.
Established Teijin Visiting Nurse Station Limited for full-scale development of home-visit nursing care business.
Signed United Nations Global Compact's statement from Business Leaders for Renewed Global Cooperation.
Teijin Pharma Limited started exclusive sales of Merz's Xeomin® botulinum toxin type A in Japan.

Continental Structural Plastics Holdings Corporation Established Advanced Technologies Center.

2021 Introduced an internal carbon pricing system for capital investment plans.
Purchased Japan Tissue Engineering Co., Ltd., which is operating the regenerative medicines business
Supports JCI's Call for More Ambitious Greenhouse Gas Reduction Target in Japan.
Consolidated the overseas operations for the automotive composite materials business into Teijin Automotive Technologies Inc. and established an integrated supply system in Europe
Teijin's Environmental Commitments Validated as Science Based Targets.
2022 Teijin Supports JCI's Latest Call for Stronger Climate Action.
Teijin, JGC and ITOCHU Established RePEaT Co., Ltd. to License Polyester Chemical Recycling Technology.
2023 Produced and Marketed Polycarbonate Resin Made from Biomass-derived BPA.
Established Teijin Regenet Co., Ltd. for further development and expansion of the CDMO business for regenerative medicines
Produced Tenax™ Carbon Fiber from ISCC PLUS Certified Sustainable Raw Materials
2024 Axcelead and Teijin Jointly Established Axcelead Tokyo West Partners, Inc., the Drug Discovery Support Service JV