

The Teijin Group aims to realize a healthy planet in which the global environment, the people who live there, and all life on it can move forward toward a healthy and bright future. To that end, we will "prioritize the health of the planet, protect the environment, and support a circular society" and "resolve issues for patients, families, and communities in need of greater support" as part of our long-term vision. Guided by this vision, we will minimize our environmental and social burden and provide innovative solutions that help resolve social issues. The Group recognizes social, environmental, and other sustainability-related matters as management issues, and has identified five important issues based on an analysis of risks and opportunities for the Company.

We provide products and services that contribute to achieving global environmental goals for the planet, such as climate change mitigation and adaptation and achievement of a circular economy. At the same time, we strive to minimize the negative impact on the environment from our business activities.

Guided by our basic stance to respect every human's dignity and rights, we will fulfill our social obligation to respecting human rights. At the same time, we will work to build an environment in which diverse human resources, the driving force toward realizing our business strategies, can be active and to train such human resources.

Based on an analysis of opportunities and risks for the Teijin Group, we are working to build a sustainable management base under which we will promote sustainability initiatives.

Sustainability News

Non-Financial Data

External Evaluations and Participation in Initiatives

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