Management System and Promotion Activities
Based on an analysis of opportunities and risks for the Teijin Group, we are working to build a sustainable management base under which we will promote sustainability initiatives.
Management System
The Teijin Group has appointed a Chief Human Resources Officer/Chief Sustainability Officer who is responsible for sustainability-related activities and who, under the direction and supervision of the Board of Directors, promotes sustainability initiatives integrated with our business. Sustainability policies and materiality are matters for resolution by the Board of Directors, and sustainability initiatives in line with these policies are managed by the executive side, which also sets management indicators. The status of these initiatives is reported as appropriate by the CEO or Chief Sustainability Officer to the Board of Directors for discussion. Furthermore, sustainability-related risks are positioned as serious Group risks under the Total Risk Management (TRM) system, which is utilized to manage these risks.
Promotion Activities
We have organized the opportunities and risks the Teijin Group faces with the aim of contributing to the development of a sustainable world, and established a sustainable management base to promote sustainability initiatives. In order to implement the Teijin Group's sustainability initiatives in a unified and effective manner, a main division/organization in charge is specified under the supervision of the CHRO for each important sustainability issue. This main division/organization then starts the PDCA cycle of planning for the medium to long term and for single fiscal years (Plan), implementing this plan (Do), evaluating (Check), and improving (Action) to achieve ongoing improvement and enhancement of our sustainability initiatives.
PDCA Approach to Sustainability Initiatives

Implementation of the CHRO Review
With regard to the Group's sustainability initiatives, every year the CHRO conducts a review to confirm how each business group and Group company are responding to important sustainability-related issues. The review also confirms the status regarding major law violations, incidents, and accidents.
Sustainability Awareness Raising Activities
Code of Conduct video
Teijin will always be evolving as each and every employee is aware of the "Code of Conduct". We release the videos with subtitles in local languages of all regions and countries in which the Teijin Group operates to provide employees around the world to raise them interest in the "Code of Conduct" and help their better understandings of it.
Pamphlet "together" to raise awareness of diversity
We promote diversity, equity and inclusion as a management strategy. We have also issued a pamphlet entitled "together" to raise awareness of diversity every year since 2002.
Handbook "Teijin Group and SDGs"
We have created a handbook "Teijin Group and SDGs" to deepen everyone's understanding of the SDGs.