
Privacy Policy

Teijin Group Privacy Policy

Teijin Limited and the companies of the Teijin Group (hereafter "Teijin Group") understands that handling personal information appropriately and protecting them in all aspects of its corporate activities are a social responsibility to be fulfilled. Teijin Group shall make every effort to comply with laws and regulations relating to the protection of personal information, as well as to meet the confidence of society based on the policy stated below.

Personal Information

'Personal information' shall mean information relating to living persons, including name, date of birth, telephone number, addresses, office of work, credit card number, the bank account number or other personal data, which enables a certain individual to be identified and information that when used with other information can be easily referenced allowing the identification of an individual.

Acquisition of Personal Information

Teijin Group shall acquire personal information in a legitimate and fair manner.

Using Personal Information

Teijin Group shall specify the purpose for the use of the personal information and shall notify the individual whose information is acquired by Teijin Group of the purpose of the use. The personal information that Teijin Group has acquired shall also be used within the scope of the purpose of the use and for Teijin Group's business use.

Security Management Measures of Personal Information

Teijin Group shall make every effort to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration, leaking of or illegal access to personal information. As measures for security management of all personal information, Teijin Group shall appoint a person to supervise personal information protection within the Group and establish the appropriate system to ensure the effectiveness of the security management. At the same time, Teijin Group shall inculcate the policy on its corporate directors, officers and employees through education.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Teijin Group shall not, except in the cases set out below, provide any personal information to a third party without the prior consent of the individual to whom the personal information relates.

If Teijin Group provides personal information to a third party, it shall ensure to the best of its ability that the third party takes necessary measures for protection of the personal information to prevent inappropriate leaking or other misuse:

  • if Teijin Group provides personal information to an entity to which Teijin Group's business is commissioned or Teijin Group has an alliance with to the extent necessary for the business;
  • in the case of a succession of the business through a merger, corporate separation, business transfer or other reasons, pursuant to laws and regulations relating to the business; or
  • if the provision is required or permitted under the specified laws and regulations, the personal information may be provided to the extent that the laws and regulations provide for.

Disclosure of and Amendments to Personal Information

If the individual to whom the personal information relates requests to disclose or amend the personal information held by Teijin Group, Teijin Group shall, in accordance with the spirit of the law, promptly respond to such request.

Public Announcement, Revision and Improvement of Personal Information Protection Addressed by Teijin Group

Teijin Group shall make public this Teijin Group Privacy Policy with respect to personal information protection and shall clearly define various procedures for handling the personal information, such as the method of inquiry, available to the public. In addition, Teijin Group will strive continuously to improve and progress the protection of the personal information.