
Social Media Policy

Purposes of Participation in Social Media

Teijin Limited ("Teijin") sends out the company's latest information and communicates using social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc.) to enhance stakeholders' interests in the Teijin Group.

Teijin's Official Social Media Accounts

  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Instagram

Teijin's Social Media Policy

The following is the Social Media Terms of Use, which are terms of use for the official accounts of Teijin in social media. Please refer to the terms, and use our official accounts, accordingly.

Social Media Terms of Use



The definitions of the following terms as used in these Terms of Use are as follows:

  • "Teijin's Official Social Media" means each of the social media accounts operated by Teijin Limited and set out in the List of Teijin's Official Social Media at the end of these Terms of Use;
  • "User" means any person who views or uses any of Teijin's Official Social Media; and
  • "The Teijin Group" means Teijin Limited and its group companies.

Replying, etc. to posts from Users

If a User posts on or sends a direct message to any of Teijin's Official Social Media, the Teijin Group may reply to that User. However, the Teijin Group does not bear any obligation to reply to such posts or direct messages.

Removing Users' posts and blocking User, etc.

  1. 1.If a User makes a post on any of Teijin's Official Social Media that falls under (or is likely to fall under) any of the following, the Teijin Group may carry out appropriate measures, including removing the User's post or temporarily or permanently blocking the User's account, without giving the User prior notice or notice after the fact:
  • a post that violates laws or regulations or that contradicts public order and morals;
  • a post that is linked to criminal activity;
  • a post that contains personal information (including a photo of the subject's face) and for which permission to post has not been obtained from the subject;
  • a post that attacks or criticizes, or damages the reputation or credibility of a particular individual or association, or slanders that individual or association;
  • a post that contains obscene expressions;
  • a post about racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, or political topics;
  • a post that discriminates, or that encourages discrimination, based on race, ideology, belief, or the like;
  • a post linked with political, campaign, or religious activities or other activities similar thereto;
  • a post that contains rumors or that would encourage rumors, or a post that includes false information;
  • a post that is believed to be made in impersonation of a third party;
  • a post that includes malicious contents, including harmful computer programs;
  • a post that infringes on the trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy, or other rights of another User, a third party, or the Teijin Group;
  • a post that causes nuisance, disadvantage, or damage to another User, a third party, the Teijin Group, or an employee or the like;
  • a post that is prohibited by the relevant company operating the social media platform in question; or
  • a post that hinders the operation of Teijin's Official Social Media or a post that otherwise interferes with Teijin's Official Social Media;
  • a post that contradicts the purport of these Terms of Use or that has no relation to Teijin's Official Social Media;
  • a post made for the purpose of for-profit activities;
  • a post that changes part or all of the contents that Teijin's Official Social Media distributes; or
  • any other post considered to be socially inappropriate by the Teijin Group.
  1. 2.The Teijin Group may also, at its sole discretion, carry out the measures in the preceding paragraph in cases other than those set out in each of the items of the preceding paragraph.

Following, sharing, retweeting, etc.

On Teijin's Official Social Media, the Teijin Group may, as necessary, follow other accounts, click the like button or other similar reaction buttons on posts made by other accounts, or share such posts (meaning share, retweet, or the like), or retract or remove such follow, react, or share.


  1. 1.If the Teijin Group incurs damage due to a User's action, the Teijin Group may claim against the User for compensation for the damage.
  2. 2.If a User causes any damage to a third party in connection with the use of any of Teijin's Official Social Media, the User shall, at its own responsibility and expense, settle the damage.

Intellectual property rights, etc.

  1. 1.Copyrights and any other intellectual property rights (including, but not limited to, copyrights, design rights, patent rights, utility model rights, trademark rights, and know-how) on the information displayed on Teijin's Official Social Media belong to the Teijin Group or duly authorized parties.
  2. 2.A User shall grant to the Teijin Group a right to use posts made by that User on any of Teijin's Official Social Media throughout the world, without compensation, and non-exclusively (including processing, making extracts of, reproducing, publishing, translating, etc. such posts), and shall not exercise against the Teijin Group any intellectual property rights such as copyrights and moral rights of author pertaining to such posts.

Personal information

The Teijin Group shall appropriately manage personal information in accordance with "Teijin Group Privacy Policy" prescribed by the Teijin Group.


  1. 1.The Teijin Group cannot always guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information distributed on Teijin's Official Social Media. The User acknowledges this when viewing or using the information.
  2. 2.The information distributed by the Teijin Group on Teijin's Official Social Media does not necessarily constitute an official announcement or expression of opinion by the Teijin Group. Official announcements and expressions of opinion by the Teijin Group are distributed through Teijin's official website, news releases, and the like.
  3. 3.The Teijin Group shall not be liable for any damage, disadvantage, or trouble incurred by a User in connection with the information distributed on Teijin's Official Social Media, modification or update of the display or the like of the information, or other use of Teijin's Official Social Media.
  4. 4.The Teijin Group shall not be liable for any trouble or dispute between Users or between a User and a third party that arises in connection with Teijin's Official Social Media.
  5. 5.The Teijin Group shall not be liable for any damage, loss, expense, encumbrances, or the like incurred by a User due to the suspension, abolition, or the like of any of Teijin's Official Social Media.
  6. 6.If a User is a consumer, the provisions of this Article shall not apply in cases where there is willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Teijin Group.

Amending Terms of Use

The Teijin Group may amend these Terms of Use without obtaining the consent of Users. In this case, these amended Terms of Use shall be effective upon their publication by an appropriate method such as being posted on the Teijin Group's website.

Governing law; jurisdiction

  1. 1.These Terms of Use shall be governed by, and construed and applied in accordance with, the laws of Japan. The Teijin Group and Users shall consult with each other in good faith to resolve any problem with respect to use of Teijin's Official Social Media that are unable to be resolved under these Terms of Use.
  2. 2.If the need for a lawsuit arises with respect to use of Teijin's Official Social Media, the Tokyo District Court has exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance.